but when i start to copy and paste these files to another location . i can not get the true speed. (while writing reading) I mean I choose HS mode (60Mb/s) but transfer speed is too low. I made everything in the readme.txt file. but i can not impleme...
This is more a bug report than an actual question.I have experienced a wrong behavior of the I2C driver of STM32H743ZI MCU (Nucleo board).What's happening? The driver is simply dividing by 2 the slave address passed as a parameter to the function HAL...
Hi, We received a custom board built around a STM32L476 MCU. I could program it with a basic "Hello World" program which aims at blinking some leds. But the leds do not blink... :( using debugger, I noticed 2 strange behaviors 1) call to HAL_Delay()...
I wanted to use with my STM32H745 Disco Board the eMMC memory together with the Flash File System. In compare to (https://community.st.com/s/article/how-to-create-a-file-system-on-a-sd-card-using-stm32bubeide), the selection for the hardware is graye...
Got a problem with ethernet on my custom board with STM32H743BIT and DP83848 PHYeverything 'seems' to work, but I see no outgoing traffic from my board on wireshark.Rx working though, screenshots attached.I read an articlehttps://community.st.com/s/a...
Hi, dear colleagues!I use OSPI interface to connect MCU with QSPI NAND flash.For some commands (for ex. PAGE READ) of used NAND device there is 0 data bytes and HAL_OSPI_Command_IT() work proper.But some commands (for ex. SET FEATURE) has one (or mor...
After I successfully attached the board to my laptop and ran the "Press a button to ...." tests my plan was to proceed to the source code of the demo application:To read through the source code to familiarize with it.To compile it on my laptopTo flas...
I'm really trying to tell if the board is connected to an external comm port to turn off usart sends so they don't potentially backup and slow things down. I know other products expose thinks like vbus sensing? Don't know much about it. I tried to...