STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

STM32F7: Ethernet Wakeup from stop mode

Hi,I want to wakeup my STM32F746 + FreeRTOS + LwIP system with a magic packet. I started off with configuring the MAC to generate the interrupt when a Magic Packet is received, without entering the low power mode beforehand. This works perfectly fine...

CA_SUS by Associate II
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HAL_Delay() hanging in main() function.

I write a simple blinking project on STM32F4 Discovery board.It calls HAL_Delay() function for blinking effect on one LED.But the code hanging when reach HAL_Delay().When I debug, the HAL_Delay() stuck at while() loop in there.Here my code :#include ...

hhuyn.1 by Associate II
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