STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Ethernet Rx interrupt issue on STM32F7

Hello guys, so I'm trying to establish an Ethernet communication between my PC and STM32F746G-DISCO without using LWIP. I set the Rx mode to interrupt and configured the MPU now the problem is the interrupt only works for 4 times. After looking I fou...

FSoui.1 by Associate II
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Call HAL lib inside Call back

Hello, Is it Ok to read GPIO pins inside a timer call back as follow:void HAL_TIM_PeriodElapsedCallback(TIM_HandleTypeDef* htim){ if (htim == &htim2 ) //15 ms { BT1 = HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(GPIOx, Pin_x); BT2 = HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(GP...

NASI by Senior
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Hi to everyone. Where can we find the manual of the STM32CubeL4 where it explain how to set up the functionalities of the uC? (For example TIMx -> PWM generation -> with HAL and Cube generator)

I found the manual of the HAL drivers and uC datasheet, but unfortunately I can not find how to setup some configuration on "Device Configuration Tool" such as PWM generation modes and how the peripheral works. Could someone help me?Where can I find ...

Rotolino by Associate
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Ethernet IAP makefsdata

I am trying to change the web page I get in the Ethernet IAP example. If I use the fsdata.c provided in the example everything is ok. But if I grab the pages (example index.html) and create my fsdata.c I had a lot of problem since the server does n...

raffin by Associate III
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