Hello guys, so I'm trying to establish an Ethernet communication between my PC and STM32F746G-DISCO without using LWIP. I set the Rx mode to interrupt and configured the MPU now the problem is the interrupt only works for 4 times. After looking I fou...
I have an STM32F407 with the ethernet PHY DP83848. I cannot ping the device if I'm using the LwIP because I'm facing some errors.I belive that this can be an bug in STM32CubeIDE 1.9.0.I do the following steps to reproduce the error.I start up my PCB ...
I'm working with the Nucleo-64 development board with an STM32L476 microcontroller and I'm using the USB source code that STM32CubeMX has generated for me. I want to be able to find out when the Virtual Com Port is closed/opened on the PC that the Nu...
I'm using a stm32L4R9 disco.I want to record PCM data from a mems microphone and store it on a sd card.I have managed to make a project that gets data using DFSDM.I have managed to make another project that simply create a .txt file on a sd card, usi...
Processor: STM32L562QEIBoard: proprietaryWhen connecting STM32CubeProgrammer to my STM32L562QEIx board via USB, I get a Hard Fault interrupt.The USB interface is initialized with MX_USB_Device_Init() and STM32CubeProgrammer correctly detects it. But ...
If a non-32bit aligned address is passed to the DMA to receive data (such as 0x24000002), the received data will be placed at the aligned address (0x24000000), but I don't see this limit in the chip manual , are there extra steps to make DMA support ...
Hello, Is it Ok to read GPIO pins inside a timer call back as follow:void HAL_TIM_PeriodElapsedCallback(TIM_HandleTypeDef* htim){ if (htim == &htim2 ) //15 ms { BT1 = HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(GPIOx, Pin_x); BT2 = HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(GP...
I found the manual of the HAL drivers and uC datasheet, but unfortunately I can not find how to setup some configuration on "Device Configuration Tool" such as PWM generation modes and how the peripheral works. Could someone help me?Where can I find ...
I am trying to change the web page I get in the Ethernet IAP example. If I use the fsdata.c provided in the example everything is ok. But if I grab the pages (example index.html) and create my fsdata.c I had a lot of problem since the server does n...