I'm using STM32F105R8T to send serial buffer commands to an HMI display.MAX485 chip was used for communication. There are pre-defined command buffers and updatable data buffers. Those buffers are sent through a RS485 bus at the baud rate of 9600. The...
This initially an azrtos tx toggle LED test on a STM32F4Discovery boardI followed this videoMOOC - Azure RTOS workshop - 5 ThreadX lab - step1 - First thread creation - YouTubeThe attached fileSTM32F4DISCO-1.10.1 works when compile with 1.10.1After f...
I want to be able to make the STM32G474 go to sleep when certain conditions are met.I've created a small project to test the feature. The `app-freertos.c` file is like this:#include "FreeRTOS.h" #include "task.h" #include "main.h" #include "cmsis_os....
I am trying to build an application with a SNK and DRP usbc port, using a USBPDM1 and a DRP1M1 with a nucleo g071rbI have successfully run the DRP example application, but when I try and add the functionality to my sink application stm32cubemonitor-u...
I need help with using pzem 004t in stm32f405 with uart communication. i have check this source willyvamp/STM32F103C8T6-PZEM004T-DHT11: HAL STM32 (github.com) but still dont get the data form uart. please help
Hi All,I use DMA IDLE Idle line and circular mode to receive usart buffer, and process data in rtos,but when I get an Idle event, sometimes RTOS read buffer will get some empty data, but wait a little bit times, the buffer will be updated, so when I ...
My application has a low priority usart receive function - meaning that if characters are delayed it's no big deal. I've been using interrupts with a callback receiving one character at at time with a read always outstanding. I process flags and b...
I am trying to set up a sourcing power delivery port on an STM32G0 system. I have set up switching of VBUS, and when I connect up a sinking device my system detects it, sets up VBUS and starts sending source capacity messages.Log:<Connect source to p...