STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Resolved! How to use CMSIS to set a bit or register

Each time I call SET_BIT to set a bit the register value remains at 0. All registers are 0 even after writing, as though they are read-only. For example, the following does not set the bit:DMA2_Stream0->CR |= ((uint32_t)1);What am I missing?Thank you...

LMorr.3 by Senior II
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SPI Slave transmit has extra byte at times

I have two STM32F7 processors set up in SPI Master/Slave configuration. When the slave wants to transmit data to the master, it issues an interrupt and the master reads 4 bytes. The first two are the number of data bytes to read, the second two is a...

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MPatt.11 by Associate II
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STM32 - USB Bootloader

Hello All,MCU - STM32G0B0RET6 supports USB bootloader.When I first connect my USB to my PC, it is recognised as "DFU in FS Mode". Then I flashed a simple GPIO control application code (*.elf) through USB, and after restarting the board, my PC no long...

VM.7 by Associate II
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DMA ethernet descriptor OWN bit issue

Im using stm32f207 HAL library, LwIP stack with RAW api, no RTOS for an UDP server implementation. Server is receiving frames by polling way because of client nature demands. Client is constantly asking server for reading mcu inputs and asking for wr...

genisuvi by Associate III
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Problem with FreeRTOS ISR Task Notification

I am using Nucleo F411RE dev borad. When I using the FreeRTOS, I found that the xTaskNotifyFromISR always handler function as below and I can enter it normally.the program stop at -------------------------------------------------------------...

smok.1 by Associate
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Ethernet DHCP and static IP mode

Hi allCurrently, I am working on a project in which I have to design an application in such a way that it should support DHCP and static IP mode based on user choice. And this would be in FREERTOS. Users can back and forth between static and DHCP mod...

spate.2 by Associate III
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