STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Resolved! STM32C011 Clock Config

Hi @ST Community ,I struggle to configure the clock speed to the frequency I desire.The chip I am using is STM32C011F6U and the code I use as first function in main() is the following:uint16_t cr = RCC->CR;uint16_t cal = RCC->ICSCR;uint16_t cfgr = RC...

saraacri by Associate
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Reducing the range of BlueNRG-2N

Hello STMicroelectronics community,I'm currently working on a project involving the BlueNRG-2N Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) module, and I'm looking to reduce the Bluetooth range to approximately 1 or 2 meters (means over 2 meter, I want my bluetooth se...

Walid by Associate
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About UM2552 sample code

I am building a USBPD sink with reference to the UM2552, but in the sample code on page 16, it seems that the ")" corresponding to the IF on the 9th line has disappeared, is this a typo? Also, is there a correct example somewhere?

Sodag.1 by Associate II
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Circular buffers and Algobuilder

new to algobuilder.I want to have a float input circular buffer that then goes through an IIR filter. When I add both to algobuilder I can't seem to wire the circular buffer to the IIR filter block, presumably as the circular buffer output bus width ...

Davidcs by Associate
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DP83848 + STM32F439ZI

Hi , I'm a fresher who was given with testing of packet transfer with external Ethernet - Phy by interfacing STM32F439ZI with DP83848 . I need some help at API level and testing procedure .

Unable to reinitialize SAI peripheral

Hi,I'm working with self designed board (STM32F765 MCU) and currently able to initialize SAI2 peripheral to work with codec in DMA mode.At some point in my code, I need to change the sample rate of my codec (through MCLK).The sequence of operations i...

pborto by Associate II
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Resolved! what's the __COMPILER_BARRIER?

hi, everyone! May you have a nice day! In en.stm32cubeg4_v1-5-0\STM32Cube_FW_G4_V1.5.0\Projects, core_cm4.h file. I encounter the following codes: __STATIC_INLINE void __NVIC_EnableIRQ(IRQn_Type IRQn){  if ((int32_t)(IRQn) >= 0)  { ...

Matt.Dash by Associate II
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combining example and cubemx projekt

Hii'm working on a projekt where we want to use the LoRaWAN capability's of the B-L072Z-LRWAN1 borde as well as it's adc's and dac's to do this we set up the adc/dac with cubemx but also use the example projekt from the I-CUBE-LRWAN "expansion" packs...

thejsm by Associate
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OCTOSPI: NCS stays high on STM32U5A9

I am trying to access a NOR flash via OctoSPI1. CLK is connected to PF4, NCS is connected to PI5. While I can see clock cycles on PF4, PI5 stays high all the time.Does anyone have an idea, what could be wrong?Trust zone is disabled. The register sett...

Meixner by Associate III
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