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I'm learning to port FreeRTOS to my STM32F407, but I'm running into problems with HAL initializing TIM2.After HAL_OK the program is supposed to enable TIM2IRQ via NVIC_EnableIRQ(), but the operation of writing to NVIC->ISER doesn't seem to work.NVIC-...
I'm trying to use VS code to flash/debug my Stm32F407VET6. When I tried to flash I got following terminal output:     "xpack-openocd-0.12.0-3/BIN/OPENOCD.EXE" -f ./openocd.cfg -c "program build/Stm32F4_Hello.elf verify reset exit" xPack Open On-Chip ...
This is my main program: int main(void) { HAL_Init(); /* USER CODE BEGIN Init */ TaskHandle_t task1_handler; TaskHandle_t task2_handler; BaseType_t status; /* USER CODE END Init */ /* Configure the system clock */ SystemClock_Confi...
I tried to enable RXNEIE with following code: USART2->CR1 = (USART_CR1_TE | USART_CR1_UE | USART_CR1_RE | USART_CR1_RXNEIE);  But when I checked CR1 register, it's still set to 0: gdb: x /8ub 0x40004400 0x40004400: 45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I checked the manu...
I am trying to build a uart implementation from scratch to learn the Stm32, but such a code implementation seems to cause my Stm32F030 to go into Reset_Handler state.What might be wrong with my code? Thanks in advance!  void uar2_rx_tx_init(void) { ...
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