STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

open bootloader read

I am working on using open_bootloader with CAN(STMG0B1CB).After successfully writing 256B(in packets of 8B each), I try to read back.After some amount of correct read-backs(to verify), the communication fails randomly.Any suggestions?

SSoha.2 by Associate
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Resolved! I have 2 transceivers with stm32 and lora. I want to send signal from the transmitter and wake up th

Stm32 ve lora ile 2 alıcı-vericim var. Vericiden sinyalde oluşan ve alıcıyı uyandırmak istiyorum. Bunu nasıl araştırmalıyım?Telsiz cihaz stm32 mikroişlemci ile çalışır.bileşen lora(e220) ile aktarılır. Farklı bir modül de kullanıyorum.derin uykuda ol...

YBAYR.1 by Associate III
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Unhelpful documentation - LL_InitTick

eg, in stm32l0xx_ll_utils.c  /** * @brief This function configures the Cortex-M SysTick source of the time base. * HCLKFrequency HCLK frequency in Hz (can be calculated thanks to RCC helper macro) * @note When a RTOS is used, it is recomme...

Resolved! LWIP PBuf Queue?

Hello,I have a STM32 sending a packet a second, up to 25 UDP packets, to another STM32 whose role is to echo these packets back to the sending STM32.Inside the packets is a value which I increment after every transmission.I've noticed that at the ori...

###### by Senior
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I need help to Modbus TCP/IP

Hi everyone, I am trying to write modbus tcp/ip server(slave) with stm32h7. I know the Modbus working logic and I have worked with Modbus RTU many times before, but I am unfamiliar with the ethernet layer. I couldn't find a resource to write modbus t...

Matt_ by Associate II
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