STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

Resolved! ADC DMA continous and FreeRTOS conflict

 Hello,I'm working on a NUCLEO-H743ZI2 Board.I am attempting to record ADC samples on an SD card using a FreeRTOS CMSIS-V1 program. Below are the configurations for my ADC and Timer6:ADC Configuration:Timer6 Configuration, I try to have around a 7500...

POSTstm1.png POSTstm2.png POSTstm3.png POSTstm4.png
jmF by Associate
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Resolved! LwIP TCP server send periodic data

Hi all, I am developing a TCP server starting from the STM32F4 TCP server echo sample.My goal is to keep the echo functionality and send in addition a periodic message.I modified slightly the original file and I managed to have the echo working and t...

loribru by Associate II
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Translate spi ready from Arduino top stm

Hi I wanted to translate the following Arduino code with hal stm:uint32_t TMC5160_SPI::readRegister(uint8_t address){// request the read for the address_beginTransaction();_spi->transfer(address);_spi->transfer(0x00);_spi->transfer(0x00);_spi->transf...

SDall by Associate II
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Resolved! I cant assign a value to variable

Hi,I am trying to assign Adc.Raw[0] and Adc.Raw[1] to Vref and Vtemp as in below code snippet. But, Vref and Vtemp gets 0. These variables never updated with Adc.Raw values.Could you please point me in the right direction ? 

demir_0-1708356711425.png demir_1-1708356733689.png
demir by Senior II
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