STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Resolved! STM32F4 USB CDC+MSC+HID Composite Devices

I have tried create a USB Composite Device(CDC+MSC+HID) using STM32_USB_Device_Library V1.2.1, CDC and MSC works but HID not workable. When I use USBD_HID_SendReport() to send data to PC, MCU stuck.I have change the sequence of CDC/MSC/HID Interface/...

RHuan.1 by Associate
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STM32F407G Dev-Kit LD1 Noise

Hi! I've been following this tutorial to enter the world of audio dsp. The issue is that when I connect the board via USB, LD1 is always on (red) and I can hear a bunch of white noise at my output. When I power the board externally via 3V, LD1 starts...

STM32F030C6T6 SPI DMA alignment problems

Hello everyone,I am facing a problem related to my STM32F030C6T6 controlleron SPI DMA transfers and hope for your support.I'm using SPI DMA to continuously transfer data from the master to the slave controller. The message consists of 12 byteseach tr...

MaJo1 by Associate
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STM32U5 generated code voltage scaling

If I generate projects for the STM32U5A9 with sysclks/hclks of 4/48/90/160 Mhz.Then HAL_PWREx_ControlVoltageScaling is always ran early on including with an argument off PWR_REGULATOR_VOLTAGE_SCALE2 for 90 MHz.However the function HAL_PWREx_ControlVo...

Kevlar700 by Associate III
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Resolved! X CUBE USB AUDIO not recognized as audio device

Hello, I want to use X CUBE USB AUDIO examples in X CUBE IDE.After generating the binary code (without errors) and flashing the binary code via DFU, the card is not recognized as an audio device, I tried on all 4 projects. I unplugged USB, do reset, ...

Loulou by Associate II
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Resolved! Configuring ITM on STM32U5

We use ITM, locally configured by the embedded code at startup, for our trace output.  We have code for this that works with STM32F4 (see below), as advised by Segger; this advice doesn't seem to have changed since we adopted it. Using the same code ...

Resolved! Problem in usb mass storage device

Hello ,I have to implement USB mass storage device im my current project I have done some configuration and generate code but it seem have some problem1)usb mass storage device is showon in device manager2)In my computer also show that drive is conne...