STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

RTC or timer?

Hello everyone,In my project on STM32 Nucleo-64 with STM32F401RE MCU, I use a timer (TIM11) at 32 Hz in interrupt mode to get some data from sensors.  Can I use the RTC (Real-Time Clock) instead of TIM11 to get these data at the same frequency?If yes...

STM32F767ZI MQTT Issue

Hi all, I have issue with stm33f767zi and LWiP mqtt. I'm trying to send data over mqtt every 10ms. Data is 400 samples from 3 ADCs represented as cJSON. After sending a few packets Im getting hardfault on tcp_out(), but if I set interval to 100ms eve...

USB Type-C IC suggestion

Hi,I'm looking for some suggestions for the implementation of a self-powered and DRD (Dual Role Data) system provided with USB Type-C connector, but without PD support.I found two different solutions:1) Using a configuration channels protection IC (T...

__NVIC_EnableIRQ Can not enable TIM2

I'm learning to port FreeRTOS to my STM32F407, but I'm running into problems with HAL initializing TIM2.After HAL_OK the program is supposed to enable TIM2IRQ via NVIC_EnableIRQ(), but the operation of writing to NVIC->ISER doesn't seem to work.NVIC-...

Jemegen by Associate III
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STM32 CDC Host with Custom baud rate

I've created a project with STM32F407xxx, and using as USBH_CDC with this MCU. STM is working fine but the problem is, the baud rate can not be edited. It is auto by default. How can I keep it fixed at a certain baud rate such as 9600 or 115200? I tr...

MKDas by Associate II
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