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Developing on an STM32H563ZI chip with Cube IDE and ST-Link V2.  DEBUG is configured as JTAG with Trace Syncro (4 bits), which is 4-wire JTAG (JTMS, JTCK, JTDI, and JTDO).  My project has allocated pin PB4(NJTRST) as a GPIO.  If left unconfigured, de...
It's the strangest, most frustrating thing I've encountered.  I have three ST-LINK programmers; two /V2 and one /V3.  All have been working fine for a good long time.Today, CubeIDE won't program my device anymore, through any of the three programmers...
Upon launching STM32 CubeProgrammer today, I encountered this dialog:In case the image doesn't show, the text reads:The server connection is not established.The network connection is required to download updates.Please check your Proxy Settings.This ...
I've been banging my head against this one for a while.  I have two pins I'm trying to generate a peripheral-timed pulse on, which sounds like a perfect fit for One Pulse Mode."Trigger 1" is TIM8 CH1; that is, PB6."Trigger 2" is TIM1 CH3; that is, PA...
I have two STM32 micros connected via CAN transceivers.  The sending unit is transmitting without issue, as evidenced by measuring both the CANH/CANL bus wires, as well as the CAN_RX/CAN_TX logical wires on the transmitter.  I did have to slow the bu...