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Hellois it possible for the microcontroller with USB OTG to download the program memory from the USB stick itself?In other words, change the firmware simply by connecting a USB stick with a .bin file and perhaps by resetting the component.So far I ha...
Helloi have problem to compile STM32Cube_FW_F7_V1.17.0\Middlewares\ST\STM32_USB_Device_LibraryI use STM32CubeIDE Version: 1.14.0 + STM32CubeMX Version: 6.10.0-RC9chip STM32F767ZITx  (NUCLEO-F767ZI)I'm mainly interested in the causeexpected '=', ',', ...
HelloI'm trying to set a filter but I can't.If I set, for example, the value 0x3 - all IDs with set bits 0 and 1 - (0x7, 0x13, 0xF, 0xF03......) pass through the filter.I guess I didn't understand this masking. Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong?I ...
HelloI swapped STM32F072RBT6 for STM32F205RCT6 on the board (I needed more RAM) and even though the cases are pin-compatible (LQFP64) ST llink v2 reports that it cannot connect to the target.ST link works reliably on STM32F072RBT6.I tried to connect ...
Hello I just found out that the HAL_Delay() delay actually takes 1ms longer than the desired value. Why?STM CUBE IDE 1.9.0STM32F072RBT6