STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Azure RTOS, FreeRTOS or SafeRTOS?

Hi all,I am writing to you to find out which is the best RTOS between Azure RTOS, FreeRTOS and SafeRTOS both from the point of view of performance and from the point of view of flexibility and ease of use?I have to develop some projects with STM32U5,...

Resolved! Problem with TIM3 Input capture with DMA

Hello everybody,I am trying to use the TIM3 those input capture mode with DMA transfer. After buffer is full the DMA call the callback function IT. Then i execute the stop DMA function. But after this sequence, the DMA no reinitialize. I am using the...

VSchu.1 by Associate II
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CAN Filter settings do not work properly.

void CAN_Filter(uint8_t filter_index, uint32_t Filter_ID){CanFilter.FilterType = FDCAN_FILTER_MASK;CanFilter.IdType = FDCAN_EXTENDED_ID;CanFilter.FilterIndex = filter_index;CanFilter.FilterConfig = FDCAN_FILTER_TO_RXFIFO0;CanFilter.FilterID1 = Filter...

SJ_KIM by Associate
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USB Host read gets interrupted

Hi y'all.I'm working on a project which uses a stm32 nucleo board (f446re) as both usb host and device, using USBFS as device and USBHS as host.The goal is to make some sort of interface between computer and memory sticks, which renders them as read ...

Using st firmware to control Vienna rectifer

I have used eDesignSuite to generate firmware code for my vienna rectifer. I need some more clarity/documentation on implementation of the code. Many things are unclear, such as at start-up, there is a pin dedicated to an relay, which will limit the ...

suyog800 by Associate II
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