STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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STM32F103C6T6 USB Bootloader Flash Issue

I've been previously programming the STM32F103C6T6 blue pill with an FTDI via UART and am now trying to flash a USB bootloader binary to program it directly via USB.I've closely followed the guide on

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Resolved! STM32U545REI6Q Bootloader GPIO config

AN2606 does a very good job of describing communication peripheral usage by the bootloader, but not so much GPIO pins.Can I get a description of how each of the GPIO pins on the ST32U545REI6Q is configured by the bootloader? This could be important i...

CSmit.4 by Associate II
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Trying to programmatically get timer details

I use CubeMX to generate the set up code for clocks and peripherals in the STM32H7A3 I'm currently using for my current work.  I'd like to calculate the timer and low-power timer call back periods programmatically without having to type in magic numb...

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magene by Senior II
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Resolved! stm32h7 ethernet tcp connection lwip

   /* add the network interface (IPv4/IPv6) with RTOS */ netif_add(&gnetif, &ipaddr, &netmask, &gw, NULL, &ethernetif_init, &tcpip_input); /* Registers the default network interface */ netif_set_default(&gnetif); if (netif_is_link_up(&gneti...

UDP communication on STM32H563ZI

I want to do UDP communication using ThreadX and NetXDuo on an STM32H563ZI.I searched for STM32Cube Examples and found a sample project for STM32H5, but because FW_H5_v1.3.0 does not exist, an error occurs.The following page is set up as an example o...

Nao05215 by Associate
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