STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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STM32F429IET6 Ethernet SW Reset Timeout

I have a custom designed board using a STM32F429IET6 and LAN8742A.While attempting to bring-up ethernet and LWIP (fails w/o LWIP at the same spot) the code continuously fails in stm32f4xx_hal_eth.c in `HAL_ETH_Init` while waiting for the SW reset to ...

CLake.2 by Associate II
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STM32L4 SPI SD Card with FATfs and USB MSC

Using stm32f767zi microcontroller and sd interfaced with spi and interfacing usb_host_msc code below tutorial following its working only when i sperately using but interface with sd card with pi below issue is getting

Resolved! STM32L412 flash section writing isn't permanent

It has worked at times but at others is becoming all 0xFFFF or whatever values become written into unused areas.Currently it loses memory every time.My code reads a block of settings and looks at one location to check if it's zero, which indicates no...

CGadg by Associate III
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Resolved! How to install X-Cube-USB-Audio

Good morningAre there any isntall instructions for the X-Cube-USB_Audio extension?Don't see anything on the product site...Also when trying to install it manually through the package manager it tells me that this package isn't compatible or corrupted...

Davorin by Senior
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Resolved! Problem with HALEx RTC Libraries

Hi,I see a problem in the HAL_RTCCEx_DisableBypassShadow function as the previous post POST advise, they convert the mas to uint8_t and by doing this when the value is and'ed the 24bit on the left are erased unintended.Im using 1.16.0 of IDE and (STM...

danirpg by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32F4 Timer encoder mode

Good morning everyone,I'd like some help on this problem.On a WeAct BlackPill board equipped with STM32F411CEU6 I wrote a fairly simple program using the encoder mode on Timer2 to keep up with count and direction.I activated the interrupt feature as ...