STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

STM32H755 with Precision Time Protocol.

Hello all,I am learning to implement a bare-minimal code that let PTP(OC, slave mode) works with STM32H755(Nucleo-H755ZI-Q with FreeRTOS). I have read RM0399, UM2217 as well as stm32h7xx_hal_eth.c with corresponding chapters. And here is the first dr...

Leon_MS by Associate III
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Enable ARP Offload on STM32H753

Hi,I try to enable the hardware ARP Offload in a STM32H753 custom board. The problem is, that it doesn't take the given IP adresse in die MACARPAR register regardless what the sequence of code is. I tryed it before and after enabling the ARPEN bit an...

ASitt by Associate
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Low-power sleep mode

Not able to send STM32L4S9ZIJ6 into low-power sleep mode even after using inbuilt sleep API calls. Have used HAL_PWR_EnterSLEEPMode function call after configuring SLEEP_PD register, configuring system clock to run at 2MHz & changing the regulator mo...

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Anup123 by Associate
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