2016-05-12 3:08 AM
HAL_DeInit(); // Reset of all peripherals does not reset EXTI block, as it is in HAL_GPIO_DeInit() /*------------------------- EXTI Mode Configuration --------------------*/ tmp = SYSCFG->EXTICR[position >> 2U]; tmp &= (((uint32_t)0x0FU) << (4U * (position & 0x03U))); if(tmp == ((uint32_t)(GPIO_GET_INDEX(GPIOx)) << (4U * (position & 0x03U)))) { /* Configure the External Interrupt or event for the current IO */ tmp = ((uint32_t)0x0FU) << (4U * (position & 0x03U)); SYSCFG->EXTICR[position >> 2U] &= ~tmp; /* Clear EXTI line configuration */ EXTI->IMR &= ~((uint32_t)iocurrent); EXTI->EMR &= ~((uint32_t)iocurrent); /* Clear Rising Falling edge configuration */ EXTI->RTSR &= ~((uint32_t)iocurrent); EXTI->FTSR &= ~((uint32_t)iocurrent); }2025-02-07 1:44 PM
This is still an issue 9 years later. Rant: