STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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I2C not working on STM32L053R8T6 ?

I have added the code written in HAL for I2C communication between I2C 2 of STM32L053R8T6 and LIs3dh accelerometer to receive whoami register. doesn't seem to be able to receive any data from the accelerometer.#include "stm32l0xx.h"#include "stm32l0x...

ASING.91 by Associate II
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Why does the built-in SPI-bootloader in STM32F446 fails to write to flash address 0x0802ADF8, when all the previous addresses were written to just fine?

I have an STM32F446 that has its firmware upgraded by another microcontroller through SPI-bus (please see AN4286, "SPI protocol used in the STM32 bootloader"). My application code starts at sector 4 (address 0x08010000) and I am able to successfully ...

arnold_w by Senior II
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STM32F401VE and boot mode

Posted on June 21, 2017 at 15:04Hi,I've purchased the STEVAL-3DP001V1 board from ST, which is powered by a STM32F401VE. There is a jumper called boot which is wired as follow:So the pin BOOT0 is normally held high when the jumper is not fitted. BOOT...

0690X00000607KwQAI.png 0690X00000607L1QAI.png
Kraal by Senior III
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Stm32 Virtual Com port Device is not detected in some Windows 10 PC.Is there any way to manully force the windows 10 os to use its native Virtual com port driver??

My device use STM32L0 controller and Hal USB Device CDC class is implemented in it. When connected to Windows 10 OS the "Device description request Failed" message is shown. But on updated windows 10 OS it is working fine as it should. So is there a...

ASoma by Associate
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Opus Example for STM32F4 series?

Hi, guys. I'm curious whether anybody has tested the Opus Audio CODEC STM32F4 MCUs.I have both the NUCLEO-F446RE board & STM32F4 DISCOVERY board.Is there an example to play music using Opus?Any extra video demo for Opus usi...

Composite Device COM PORT

Hi there,i managed the get a working composite device with working driver files. I can choose between all combinations of cdc,hid and msc.But i can't connect to my serial com port. I want to use this com port as a uart bridge but it's not working bec...

arduo by Senior
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