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Hi,i made a webscoket server over TCP on STM32F429VI with lwip stack. I would like to use on local network. I used this nectonn examples for TCP communication. The connection and the websocket handshake works fine, the client can send a message to my...
Dear ST,I would like to use an STM32F042F4 MCU with CAN communication. I saw the CAN bus in STM32CubeMx by Connectivty, but i can't select it (it is grey)? I read in the datasheet of the MCU that i have to remap CAN bus pin to PA10 and PA9.Can you he...
i have a problem with Readout Protection in the STM32F4 MCUs. If i set in the readout protection level 1 in the software, than works mcu to some times, but after some power reset it stops. It runs no longer. What i could do is that i set the option b...
Hi!We try connect to a server with STM32F4 Cube mbedTLS Client example application (on an STM324x9I_EVAL-1 board).On the server side we use letsencrypt certifcates with nginx. Access log: SSL_do_handshake() failed (SSL: error:1417A0C1:SSL routines:tl...
Posted on November 14, 2017 at 01:25Hi,i use STM32F107RB in my project wherein is an USB VCP virtual com port driver (The basic of the USB VCP is the STM3210C-EVAL_USB_decice_VCP example of the Atollic True Studio). It works well if i use under Wind...