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Are CHM help files abandoned? Any substitute?

Tamas Novak
Associate III

I use STM32Cube_FW_F0_V1.6.0\Drivers\STM32F0xx_HAL_Driver\STM32F070xB_User_Manual.chm for help. These files are from 2016 and seem abandoned. Are there newer versions to download or is there online version (they are compiled HTMLs) of them with the same well-organised structure?0690X00000A9jwrQAB.png


> STM32Cube_FW_F0_V1.6.0

Have you tried the current version of CubeF0, which seems to be v1.10 with a v1.10.1 patch?

The "manuals" are generated using Doxygen from the Cube sources themselves, mostly from the comments therein; so you can as well look into those sources. You might be able to generate them yourself using Doxygen - I don't use it so can't be of more help.


Pavel A.
Evangelist III

Since the Cube libraries move to github - the is a natural choice for the docum.

Chm files are unfortunately proprietary Microsoft kludge. Microsoft abandons all their "inventions" faster than glaciers melt down in Greenland.

-- pa

Tamas Novak
Associate III

Thanks guys for enlighting me.

Jan is right, all the "talkative" comments came simply from the headers. Still it's more convenient to use for me than fumble in source, so I think of re-generating CHM's on the last HAL version. If I have free tools generating CHM, and free tools to display them, I don't give a sh#&t if format is proprietary. (I'm on Windows, but not a huge fan of Microsoft :o


Nevertheless, it would be nice to hear ST's stance on why the .chm files - which take so much megabytes to download - are not updated with the libraries - I've looked at the current version of the 'F0 Cube and indeed, these files are several years old, according to the date of generation in the "frontpage" (page which opens as first when the .chm is "run") of those files.

@Amel NASRI​ , can you please have a look at this?



Hi Jan,

Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I agree with you that the .chm files should be aligned with library updates.

I'll report this internally to take care of these documentation files update.


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Thanks., Amel.


Tamas Novak
Associate III

@Amel NASRI​ ..and if someone will be looking at it, please also correct filenames.

There are 3 CHM files only for STM32F0xx (F070xB, F072xB and F091xC) in STM32Cube_FW_F0_V1.6.0\Drivers\STM32F0xx_HAL_Driver

E.g: I use "STM32F070xB_User_Manual.chm" for STM32F030K6T. This file is called "STM32F0xx HAL driver" internally, so naming is a mess:)

Thank you, Amel,


Hi Tamas,

Generally, we take the super-set and provide a .chm on its name.


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