2019-08-16 03:07 AM
I'm using standard peripheral library and the ST provide USB OTG device/HOST lib.
My sysyclock is running on 60Mhz with PLL (HSE of 25MHz) and USB clock is 48MHz.
Everything compiles and I expect after calling the Init function that the comport should be found by my pc, but nothing happens. Has anyone an Idea where to start checking why it's not working? I suppose the lib itself should already configure peripheral clocks and enable them?
My own clock config is as described above.
A quick generated example with cube mx works on my board, but dfue to collaboration with another party I have to use the standard peripheral lib an can't use cube mx.
I tried to use the mprovide usb middle ware from the cubemx project in my project, than I get a not recognised usb device notification on my pc, but after initialisation of the usb lib, my stm controllers hangs up or clocks stoped