Resolved! NUCLEO-F412ZG Operating temperature Range?
NUCLEO-F412ZG Operating temperature Range?I want to test my target control IC over a specific temperature range.I would like to know the operating range of NUCLEO.
NUCLEO-F412ZG Operating temperature Range?I want to test my target control IC over a specific temperature range.I would like to know the operating range of NUCLEO.
hello guys, i am using a FTDI FT232B17 for serial communicaiton with my stm32f429 board. i'm using keil uvision, and not using any libraries other than stm32f429xx.h to write the code. i am facing problems "receiving" data from the ftdi-ft232 to my S...
Hi,I'm going to say that this is a really nooby question, however I cannot find the answer anywhere.Background, I'm using a nucleo F103RB, and I've programmed it using CubeIDE. I can connect the board, debug and run the program fine. The board is po...
Hi, I have an STM32F429I-DISCO1 board. I have been learning how to use it and I thought it would be good to see how the professionals do it by looking at the original firmware. I downloaded en.stsw-stm32138, which has STM32F429I-Discovery_FW-V1.0.3 i...
I'm using Nucleo-U545 for my project and set the external interrupt for user button as follow.void HAL_GPIO_EXTI_Rising_Callback(uint16_t GPIO_Pin){if(GPIO_Pin == USER_BUTTON_Pin) { HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(LED_GREEN_GPIO_Port, LED_GREEN_Pin); printf("*b...
I am getting error while connecting ST-link with cube-programmer in STM32H7s78-DK.ERROR:error: cannot connect to access port 0 if you are trying to connect to a device with trustzone enabled please try to connect with hotplug mode
HI, Does the STM32H563ZIT6 have built-in capability to directly convert this digital data to an analog signal for speakers without using an external CS43L22 DAC (Digital-to-Analog Converter)?
Hi I'm using the STM32H755ZI board which has the option for 1.8V DVDD (using JP5). Does switching DVDD to 1.8V from 3.3V limit the functionality of the board in any way ? Are the interfaces (CAN, I2C, SPI, UART etc) still functional at 1.8V ? Thank...
please provide me the information for how to configure systick in microsecond.
HiWe've got here 3 STM32G031K8 Nucleo. 2 of them had problems with RAM access. 1 works fine at the moment.For example STM32CubeProgrammer shows by RAM DumpKeil shows STLink Utilities hangs by Access of some RAM address. Is this a known Problem?Is the...