Availability of CANOPEN Stack
Hi, If there is any CANOPEN Master Stack/library available for STM32 controller, please share all those references with integration steps. Thanks,Parth
Hi, If there is any CANOPEN Master Stack/library available for STM32 controller, please share all those references with integration steps. Thanks,Parth
Hello,I am new to STM32 and need help with UART, please. I have been trying to transfer data with my STM32F407 Discovery Board to the console for a few days. I am using the STM32CUBE IDE, which has a special Command Shell Console to read data from se...
Hi, is the X-NUCLEO-IHM12A1 expansion board compatible with Nucleo-F411RE development board?
All:I have the IDB00BV2 and am using the Keil Uvision_5 tool with the compiler back leveled to version V5. I'm using this board to test software to be run on the BlueMRG-2 running on my product. I have the ST BlueNRG-1_2 DB32.3 Project software insta...
I am using the STM32F207ZG MCU, and I started a new project in STM32CubeIDE. I wrote the following code, which changes the state of TIM2 PWM output CH1: /* USER CODE BEGIN 2 */ HAL_TIM_PWM_Start(&htim2, TIM_CHANNEL_1); HAL_TIM_PWM_Start(&htim3,...
Hello, I'm trying to find a tutorial for High-Speed USB communication on STM32F407G discovery board. I can't select anything on "External Phy" dropdown menu and don't really know what it stands for. I haven't been able to find anything useful online...
STM32 Nucleo-F767ZI no ping IPWhen I build project no errorI configured static IP And HTTPD enabledI added next lines#include "lwip/apps/httpd.h" httpd_init(); while (1){MX_LWIP_Process();/* USER CODE END WHILE */ /* USER CODE BEGIN 3 */}/* USER CODE...
Hello together,I just tried to get my STM32F407-Discovery working. I wanted to upload the firmware by putting it into DFU Mode, connecting it via USB to my computer and using CubeProgrammer to upload the code into the STM32s memory. So I connected BO...
hi i have asked this few times but its unclear to me how i am supposed to communicate between the host and slave device over smbus protocol. do we have a detailed documentaion which includes which needs to be enablesd 0n the baord for the communicati...
I'm using nucleof446reboard and I'm running out of digital pins. Is there a way to use analog pin as a digital pin??