STM32 MCUs Boards and hardware tools

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Forum Posts

Resolved! I2C clock incorrect

Im using the stm32f407 discovery to run I2C in fastmode (400kHz), using the equation given in the datasheet, I choose the system clock to be 120Mhz, so I have 30Mhz pclk for I2C. duty cycle T_low/T_high = 2, so CCR is 25d, T_rise is 300ns so that wou...

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Resolved! NUCLEO-F767ZI Ethernet Problem

Hi Team, I am Using NUCLEO-F767ZI board for Ethernet interface. After all Ethernet configuration. The code shows lots of error which is attached below. Guide me how to rectify this error, what mistake I was done during configuration and programming.T...

Ramachandran1992_0-1722408760388.png Ramachandran1992_1-1722408950710.png

Resolved! NUCLEOF767ZI Ethernet LWIP problem

Hello, I'm new to STM32CubeIDE so I need you not to go too hard with explanations :).  In these weeks I'm working on a project that uses ethernet based on the NUCLEO F767ZI board using the LWIP library.After consulting the PDFs available on the F767Z...

Internal ADC

I'm using nucleo f446 board for adc sampling the internal adc is unidirectional. Is there any other development board like nucleo or discovery with internal ADC which can give both positive and negative cycle of adcPlease suggest me so that I can avo...