STM32 MCUs Boards and hardware tools

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STM32 SD Card write multi block

Hello,I'm working on an STM32H7xx device. I'm trying to implement a system that writes data to a 'high capacity' SD Card. My goal is to be able to use the SD Card in a circular way. I'm having difficulty implementing this mechanism because I observe ...

Resolved! Error in Nucleo-U031R8 SCK Connection

I fear there is an error in the new Nucleo-U031R8 board. The D13 pin is labeled as the SPI1 SCK pin on the boards' silkscreen. However, the board schematic shows that this is connected to PA5. STM32CubeMX reports pin PA1 as the actual SPI1 SCK pin.So...

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JSGraaf by Associate
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关于USART TTL电压幅值衰减问题

最近使用STM32F429BIT6芯片作为MCU开发一款物联网集中控制器,作为总的网关将Lora、RS485、WiFi等通信终端(灯具)信息透传至以太网络,与服务器进行数据交互。近期使用期间遇到以下问题:在使用USART6(PC6、PC7)、USART7(PF6、PF7)与Lora、WiFi模组进行通信时,功能正常,接口电路如图: 为了增加集中控制器带载量,我们需要增加Lora模组进行扩容,再此期间发现异常,在使用USART2(PD5、PD6)、USART3(PB10、PC11)与模组通信时,电...

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Resolved! pro mqtt

Hello everyone! I'm a novice and I've never used an STMicroelectronics component before.I just downloaded the ST BLE Sensor application to connect to my SensorTile.Box Pro. It recognizes it and everything seems fine so far. I also noticed that there'...

Frabbit by Associate III
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