Resolved! STM32f407vet6 as USB host-only in full speed mode.
I want to configure USB+STM32f407vet6 as host-only and use in full speed mode.this schematic is correct ? thanks a lot
I want to configure USB+STM32f407vet6 as host-only and use in full speed mode.this schematic is correct ? thanks a lot
Hi All,I want to integrate STLink into my device to make it more convenient to debug and test.As the schematics available it is not complicated to repeat the programmer. My question is about firmware. I need .hex to flash the programmer. Is it availa...
I have a small project that coded and prototyped on a 32F0308DISCOVERY board (STM32F030R8T6). It works perfectly on the Discovery board.I now want to switch over to using a STM32F030F4P6 programmed by the ST-Link that's on the Discovery board (CN2 ju...
Hi!I'm trying to migrate from CoIDE to Atollic and discovered some problems.It seems that STM32L151CC MCU supports 8MHz maximum speed but I found no option of speed adjusting in Atollic SWD interface. Atollic does not support ST-LINK V1 since v9.1.Is...
Hello,STM32 link utility uses the C:\Program Files (x86)\IAR Systems\Embedded Workbench 8.2\arm\config\flashloader\ST\FlashSTM32F7xx_QSPI_STM32F746G-DISCO.mac file to download soft into QUAD SPI N25Q-128Amemory. As our target uses a different interfa...
Hello , I'm trying to load my project using Atollic TrueStudio V9.2.0 with the ST-Link V2-1 debugger of the nucleo-64. I get this error : STMicroelectronics ST-LINK GDB server. Version 5.1.0Copyright (c) 2018, STMicroelectronics. All rights reserved...
Hi everyone,I use a custom stm32f0 board and i try to catch data coming from can bus and answer it back to can bus line. In the begining my program works good but after a couple of minutes mcu stucks in reset(i am not sure of the cause is from softwa...
st-linker debugger part help me how to dump the hex or binary file into stm32f401re microcontroller using st-link debugger
Hi community, I'm doing a PCB design with the microcontroller STM32L451VCT6. I want to work in low power and wake up the microcontroller with a push button. This push button is directly connected to a system wake up pin (PC13). I want to know how sho...