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Does the STM32F0x1 line have SWO (the output trace) in its debug port?Reading the User Manual of STM32F0-Discovery (UM1525) it looks like SWO is on pin PB3.But the Reference Manual for the board's STM32F051 (RM0091) does not even mention SWO, only S...
I have a working set of electronics and a I2C Master device. These work just fine with legacy software on a I2C Slave built on STM32F0.Now I try out STMCubeMX, HAL and FreeRTOS. I let CubeMX do all the initialization of i2c-1My code is simple: uint8_...
Posted on April 04, 2018 at 07:57Hello all,I have a legacy application that is known to work on our custom hardware. When I tried to run this same application on a STM Discovery board with the same MCU, it ended up bricking the ST-Link part of the D...
Posted on August 02, 2017 at 11:42I have a clean slate CubeMX project on a STM32F401C-Discovery board. I have set up the onboard Cirrus audio DAC, and send a hard-coded test signal to it via DMA-driven I2S. I can hear the sound, but it is at wrong f...