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How many QSPI Flahs Memory on 32F769IDISCOVERY board


I downloaded the Altium project from  I find there are two QSPI memory share the QSPI interface as below:


Is it possible to use them like this? Are there really two chips on the board like this?

Andreas Bolsch
Lead II

From UM: "512-Mbit Quad-SPI NOR Flash memory (MX25L51245GZ2I-08G from MACRONIX) is connected to the Quad-SPI interface of the STM32F769NIH6." The Micron device would be an alternative (e.g. if Macronix device not available). At the time of initial release of this board, the 512MBit chips were quite rare. But both share the same footprint on the board, so only one can be installed. Even if both could be installed, as all pins are connected in parallel, how one could possibly use both at the same time?

Seem to recall it explicitly stating their being two footprints/land patterns to accommodate two possible part usages, as the two weren't compatible.

So yes two land patterns on board, one chip placed.

More recent DISCO/EVAL boards have SOP/SOIC16 300mil patterns, which is popular/available across serval brands. The option to place two banked devices, or one dual die package using a Micron pin model.​

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The STM32F7308-DK being a specific dual foot-print board in inventory


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