Can I get tutorials for STM32F7 Discovery Kit?
HiI am requesting for to create an working environment for the STM32F7 in ubuntu16.04Thanks Mahesh
HiI am requesting for to create an working environment for the STM32F7 in ubuntu16.04Thanks Mahesh
HI,I'm using a Nucleo-F429ZI with a CR2032 connected to the Vbat pin to keep my RTC going when supply power is lost. In the Nucleo manual (UM1974), the Vbat solder bridge setting (SB156) connects VDD with Vbat, and the default config has the solder b...
Hey, I have an STM32F4 discovery board which have a user button on it. I am setting button pin as input and when I try pull-down, it works as it should be,HIGH when pressedLOW when not pressedBut if I do not know wrong, when I choose pull-up then it ...
Hi.Just find out about dual core version of processor i like, and i would definitely want it to use in my board, since it offers some good advantages over single core.But it is a bit hard to understand if STM32H753XI is compatible ."The TFBGA240+25 ...
The MCU that I used well does not work.All newly loaded MCUs are the same.The same is true after programming a hex file to the MCU using the ST-LINK Utility.The most commonly used tools are TrueStudio and STM32CubeMX.Halt occurs after MCU is loaded a...
, but here goesI have a number of st link v2 dongles and i have not been able to connect to a pc on any os. I have win10 , win7 , desktop and laptop and it will not connect i have tried the latest firmware which is when i started really having the co...
HiI have a STM32F412RG based custom PCB and want to program via SWD, hence pulled down the BOOT0 pin with a 10k resistor. But, unable to connect to the target using ST Link -V2 and ST-Link Utility tools. Have tried connecting under reset by pulling d...
I am using the ST-LINK GDB server as a debugger under Cube-IDE , in every step over the debugger enter to interrupt and never go out, is there any solution to skip the interruption.E.g. In my application the interruption that occur is :void TIM6_DAC_...
I make a board with a STM32H743ZI microcontroller and I don't really understand how to program it. The datasheet of the microcontroller is not very clear about that point. I have looked the schematic of the Nucleo board H743ZI and I undestand that on...
I have an STM32F07IGH6U MCU on an STM3240G-EVAL board, and I'm trying to achieve serial communication with my PC. Receiving works fine, but transmitting is failing in weird ways. I'm quite new to the world of microcontrollers, so please pardon my ign...