I want to make my own hat for the STLINK-V3SET but i cant find any files of the exact positions of the STDC14,CN3,CN4 headers
Does someone know if these documents exist or the poistions of these headers
Does someone know if these documents exist or the poistions of these headers
I got a STM32 Nucleo-64 for STM32L073 board from Farnell. A few seconds after I had connected it to my PC via USB, it got so warm that I could not touch the CPU. They then send me another one, but it has exactly the same problem. I have tried setting...
I'm running absolutely bog standard STM32CubeMx code on NUCLEO-F091RC to get RS485 working (NOPs added for debugging).If I scope the USART2_TX line (PA2) I see no data.There is data on the USART1_TX line (PA9) and the RS485 enable line (USART_DE PA1)...
HelloWhen I try to connect to my Nucleo board, I have the following message:Error in initializing ST-LINK device.Reason: (4) No device found on target.I think I have this error message because I didn't disconnect the board physically before upgrading...
Hi,I am trying to calculate the oscillator parameters for STM32L433RBT6 microcontroller. I referred the STM32l433xx datasheet as well as the "AN2867 Oscillator design guide for ST microcontrollers" application note. The STM32L433xx datasheet provides...
Hello EveryoneI design oven timer (transformerless) with STM32F042K4T6. Although I tested everything separately there is a problem in the pcb. When the system first comes on, the system works but sometimes it doesn't. I tested it 10 times and the MC...
We use STM32H7 NUCLEO board. The connection is done via UART to the host via the UART ST-LINK interface (using the USB VCP bridged by the 'Debug MCU' and the main CPU).On some boards, it works fine, forever. On some other board the connection gets lo...
The manual states two MX25QL512ABB8ESF-0SIT fromMacronix are fitted. That's wrong, there is no such device made by Macronix, in fact there are two MT25QL512ABB from Micron on the board (in accordance with the schematics).
I created a new project with STM32Cube based on STM32F746 board and tried to use external flash to store images. When I used ST-link to flash the hex file, ST-Link can only flash the internal flash memory, not the external SPI flash. ST-Link can f...
I have a STM32L475 and when i connect my mcu to my computer , i can not get any signs from pc that i connect a usb driver to my Pc and when i went into the device manager and checked the disk drivers there is no st-link Usb connected.I installed the ...