STM32 MCUs Boards and hardware tools

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Forum Posts

STLink V2 VCP Support

Hi,I have a STM32F3discovery board and I just upgrade the STLink Firmware to the last available version V2.J33.S0 (for my board)Does this firmware version supports the Virtual Com Port?I'm not able to see it on my computer, where I already update the...

Му Core is held in reset!

Hi All,My board is built on the STM32F746IG.Some time after the launch of the firmware (3 different firmware) access via SWD is unavailable.Stm32_Link_Utility reports:- Core is held in reset- Can not connect to target!..........Vnrst = 0.3 V, despite...

ANapa by Associate III
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Question about STM32F746G-DISCO board.

Hi, I would like to use the STM32F746G-DISCO to do a project. But the pins available on it are quite few (only PA0-PA5 and PD0-PD15). I wonder if those pins' function are fixed because I only succeeded to use PA0 as PWM Output of TIM5. It seems like...

TCHIA by Associate
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