Pin setting of T_NRST on ST-Link
Hi, I'd like to know the pin setting of T_NRST on ST-Link.This pin setting can be set by user?What is the default setting, Push-Pull, Open-Drain, and applied any internal PU/PD resistor?Please help to advise.
Hi, I'd like to know the pin setting of T_NRST on ST-Link.This pin setting can be set by user?What is the default setting, Push-Pull, Open-Drain, and applied any internal PU/PD resistor?Please help to advise.
Hello everyoneI'm a novice in the industry. I need to read an STM32F030C8 mounted on a card that does not have the jtag connector and not even connector swd.However, the card has a personal 10 pin connector connected to the stm32.I need to know if th...
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I have, or will shortly have, three different ST-Link v2 devices. The first one us built into my Neuclo-64 for the STM32F103RB Nucleo-64 board. I know I can use the ST-Link from the Nucleo-64 board on other ST32 devices by separating it from the res...
ST-LINK/V2-1 with Nucleo-H743ZI loose connection when target program is run. The target program loads fine with STLINK-gdbserver coupled with gdb, but few seconds into execution, it starts to complain that it can not get status and quits after severa...
Where is available changes list or release notes for ST-LINK_gdbserver?
The logs are below:17:32:34 : ST-LINK error (DEV_CONNECT_ERR)17:32:34 : ST-LINK SN : 066CFF54505771786720334017:32:34 : ST-LINK FW : V2J35M2617:32:34 : Voltage : 3.21V17:32:34 : Error: ST-LINK error (DEV_TARGET_CMD_ERR)I attempted flashing the MCU on...
Hello All,I am using "STM32F746G-DISCO" Kit and i would like to program the GRAPHICS DATA on external flash.i compile my firmware in Release Mode, I need to load program externally using STLink Or STM32Cube Programmer.I need to program external flash...