Resolved! IS STM32H750 TFBGA240 PIN TO PIN Compatible to replace with STM32H755 TFBGA240
IS STM32H750 TFBGA240 PIN TO PIN Compatible to replace with STM32H755 TFBGA240
IS STM32H750 TFBGA240 PIN TO PIN Compatible to replace with STM32H755 TFBGA240 the pin list fails to identify the QSPI NCS pin candidates, I had to review schematicPG6 QSPI_BK1_NCS, PC11 QSPI_BK2_NCS /...
I am an Orcad user, and there is a MB1397B Altium schematic design file with the board documents, for an Orcad user, is it possible to provide an ASCII format of Altium. :astonished_face: David Sun
While I was working to upload firmware to a board STM32CubeIDE refused to upload code until i had updated ST Link from V2.J25.S7 to V2.J39.S7, while I wanted to comply I am getting the following error. Any help is appreciated.
HI EveryoneI have ST-LINK/V2 . its working with STM32 ST-LINK Utility V4.6.0But whenever I using ST-LINK/V2 with STM32Cube Programmer V 2.8.0. ST-LINK/V2 not detect and not able to download program Even STM32cube Programmer can't recognized either ...
Hi. Currently I am trying to learn both STM32's and electronic circuits. Currently I am designing a STM32F446 LQFP64 flight computer. And I couldn't make sure that I connected the power supply correctly. And I don't know which passive components I sh...
I am a 10yr Arduino IDE programmer and I have a cheap ST-Link V2 (Canaduino). M5Stack provides a copy of the firmware and I would like to experiment with making it a stand alone MCU that could read inputs and respond with outputs. I would like to do ...
Hey there i am using FTP-628 MCL101 Thermal printer( ) with STM32F429iit6.Please help me with the same.