User Activity

Hello people, i am making a project using STM32F407VG and i am using a timer that drives a laser. The problem is, when debugging STM is probably pulling couple of its pins to High state before i start F8 (between pressing the 'Debug' button and F8 to...
Hello guys. I got two STMF411RE Nucleo Boards and i want to start 10KHz pwm signals on each one of them with 25 microseconds delay between them and i MUST use an external trigger signal (Main synchronization computer) to trigger those STM's to create...
I was working on my stm32f411re nucleo boards. i was using two of them with spi full duplex mode one as the master and the other one as the slave. I was working on my codes and at a certain point when i tried to debug one, it asked me to upgrade my s...
I have 2 STM32F411RE-EVA Boards. I want to use one of them as SPI Master and the other one as slave and i want to receive data when a certain boolean goes high and triggers the slave. I want the slave one to send me 8 bits of data but i want to recei...
Hello people, i want to create 4 different PWM signals that has total period of 100 microseconds and working with %25 duty cycle. My timers are working with 50 MHz Speed but it is not necessary to do so. I need them to be shifted 25 microseconds apar...
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