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Resolved! PCB and Schematics for NUCLEO-H563ZI

Hi I am designing a PCB using STM32H563ZI. Can you share the project files for NUCLEO-H563ZI ? I am using Altium Designer. If the files are in different format, I can import them to Altium. I have shared the link and the name of the evaluation board ...

Resolved! STM32GO controller PWM Generation issue

Hello AllCurrent Device setup:-NUCLEO-G071RB Eval boardSTM32CubeMX settings please find the attached screenshots.I'm trying to generate PWM signal using [ TIM3 channel 3] in NUCLEO-G071RB Eval board.Time period is 28 microseconds and width are 3 micr...

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Denial1 by Associate II
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QSPI read and write timing

Hello I have been trying to test the QSPI flash on the STM32H747, Based on the BSP test code.  clock speed - 66Mhz prescaler-3Write operation Data size (KB) 1 4 10 50 75 100 Time taken(us) 618 2406 5337 16956 24233 31427 Read operation Data size (KB)...

sarun by Associate III
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STM32H745 Dual Core Power Management

I am running FREERTOS on both M7 and M4 on STM32H745 MCU. In general M7 gets booted up and release HSEM for M4 then it will start.Now my question , if there no activity in M7 (idle mode), would like to keep M4 actively running and put M7 in sleep. I...

YSN by Senior
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SWO Viewer in ST-LINK Utility

Hi Friends, I need Yours Help. I have  working on  STM32F407VET6  development board  and  I have to write on simple code like count the values. I want to see the data in SWO (Serial Wire Viewer).But using STM32CUBEIDE to flash the code to my code is ...

Vignesh_V by Associate II
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Resolved! Nucleo H723ZG registers for GPIO's (?)

Hello,I have a general question to the pin mapping and registers for the H723ZG. Where can I find the register name or register ID of e.g. the GPIO PA4? I expect something like 0000x000 or similar.I have searched for this in the DB3171 Data Brief, in...