STM32 MCUs Boards and hardware tools

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Forum Posts

Reading ADC Channels at once Callback

Hello Team,I'm pretty new to the field of the embedded systems. I want to read two adc channel at once Callback function. The ADC conversion should start at every timer8 update event. I wrote a code below for that but adc channels are read two differ...

hasan16_0-1692079929422.png hasan16_1-1692080073702.png
hasan16 by Associate
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Resolved! nucleo-f410RB uart problem

I have nucleo-f410rb on handi tried to connect all three uart pin on the board (uart 1,2,6)none of them workand i found if i use keil to code the board, the uart2 message could come out from arduino board uart pinbut if i used STM32CubeIDE , it can't...

stm32H747 disco Data Sharing

Hi, I'm running into issues writing to SRAM4 buffer (0x38001000). Apparently, there isn't any empty locations for  (0x38001000-(0x3800FFFF)) address. I currently have the M7 to service as a user interface (basically 3 screens) to access the M4 periph...