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Forum Posts

Resolved! 90 Degree Phase Shift

Hii, i am new at stm32 controller & i want a pwm phase shift of 90 degree . So can anyone plz tell me that how i will generate the phase shifted pwm (what parameters we need to set to get it)

Harsh_18 by Associate II
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STM32f207's MII with Marvel's MII

Hi All,     I'm developing a project, in which I've connected the MII port of STM32F207 with Marvel IC 88E6060 (Ethernet + fiber switch) MII port 5 but the firmware support (SPL for STM32F2XX) provides libraries for DP83848 PHY only.      Hence, if I...

ST-Link wireless

Hi, I was looking for a solution to debug STM32 microcontrollers without being physically there. I know that if I have an ST-Link connected to a PC running the GDB Server and use an IDE that supports debugging via the GDB Server, I can do so remotely...

nico23 by Associate III
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Fp-sns-datalog2 is not working

I have a STWIN SensorTile Wireless Industrial Node development kit ( STEVAL-STWINKT1B). I try to use this code ( on the board but the cod...

Dogukan by Associate
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