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Hi,I'm trying to set up the CDC  with my H053RB board. and I found a guide on following link. I realized there was issue about HardF...
Hi, when I tried to set the clock  of I3C which is 12.5Mhz, it didn't work properly. Do I need something else to have 12.5mhz frequency? Thanks,Luke.  
Hi there, I have NUCLEO-H503RB. and I want to use comport (uart) between my laptop and H503RB only with usb cable.I don't want to connect H/W-UART(RX/TX) pins. Is that possible? Thanks, 
Hi, I'm trying to check I3C protocol with NUCLEO-H503RB and IKS01A1.I just followed below link for I3C. I can see that the master transmit the data but there is no ACK from the slave.(I've...
I'm trying to check I3C protocol between IKS02A1 with NUCLEO-H503RB. and I just followed the guide which is below link. And I also tried I3C_Controller_Private_Command_IT code from the github...
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