I get the time in one thread with following code:
RTC_TimeTypeDef ti = {0};
RTC_DateTypeDef da = {0};
HAL_RTC_GetTime(& hrtc, ti, RTC_FORMAT_BIN);
HAL_RTC_GetDate(& hrtc, da, RTC_FORMAT_BIN);
It jumps from 12:59 to 1:00 instead 13:00,
With an...
Can I use memory data sections in the SIMULATOR of TouchGFX? I want to add something like{
setError(1); // 1 will be replaced by an unique constant (enum)
ADD_INFO_FOR_ERROR(1, "some explanation for error 1");
I have installed STM32CubeIDE + TouchGFX on a Windows 2019 server.It works for my account, but it does not work for other users.Question: Is it possible to install STM32CubeIDE for all users? I mean that other uses do not need to reinstall the softwa...
I want to use the IWDG watchdog with the maximum possible time delay of approx. 30 seconds. As the device cannot be switched off, It has to go into standby mode (HAL_PWR_EnterSTANDBYMode) instead. The issue here is, that the watchdog would wake it u...
In order to access the QSPI flash, I suspend the Touchgfx task from another thread.The other thread has highest priority. Today the function hang somewhere, maybe at this place: (void) osThreadSuspend( Task_TouchGFXHandle );
while ( osThreadIsSuspen...
In the meantime I have power cycled the device and the problem disappeared.An there was also an uninitialised variable once there:RTC_TimeTypeDef ti = {0};
RTC_DateTypeDef da = {0};
HAL_RTC_GetTime(& hrtc, ti, RTC_FORMAT_BIN);
HAL_RTC_GetDate(& hr...
You think that I have RTC_CR.FMT = 1?Where do you see it?Is it 8403960 = 0x803BF8 above at the "CR" line? I have corrected the TR before the jump above, I have been too slow in the debugger and copied the value after the jump. Now it is TR = 12022...
It seems to happen only on one device. I have not power cycled the device yet (need to open it and disconnect the battery). Here what hrtc struct shows: This is after the jump. Before the jump only TR (1202225 = 0x125831) and SSR (82) are different. ...