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Is NUCLEO-WB55RG/WB15CC compatible with X-NUCLEO-PLC01A1?I want to develop a controller that supports BLE and thought of starting with a combination of these two boards. Would be helpful if someone can confirm that these boards are compatible and can...
I want to build an IoT audio device and I am trying to operate the audio option on the B-L462E-CELL1. Unfortunately, there is a note saying that audio option is not available on the LBAD0ZZ1SE module on that board.Is there a way to work with the audi...
Hi, I am evaluating the current consumption of BlueNRG-LP using STEVAL-IDB10V1 and i am a bit confused with the expected and actual device's currents.According to the datasheet, peak TX current during connection at 0dB is 4.3mA, according to Current ...