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Resolved! Code Isolation for Functional Safety

HI,  I am considering the use of STM32F0 device for my project. How do I isolate the safety related code(for functional safety)  from the general code, so that a f/w update on the general code doesn't affect the safety related code? Are there any har...

arthiJan by Associate II
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Using PDM to PCM conversion library

I am using a STM32L1 MCU and I want to use the PDM to PCM conversion library, so I downloaded X-CUBE-MEMSMIC1, in the audio PDM lib folder I found libPDMFilter_CM3_Keil.lib. In the release note I read this lib is for 16KHz PCM data sampling rate, So ...

J Lee by Associate III
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STM32F4 I2S clock configuration for stereo PDM

Hi guys,I have an STM32F412 discovery board and am attempting to find the best solution for connecting 8xPDM microphones in 4xStereo pairs and writing the resulting WAV to USB. The method I'm currently attempting is:Use 4xI2S peripherals, each with 2...

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sully by Associate II
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STM32F446 MP3 Player MCU Usage

Hi everyone, I'm developing an HMI with STM32F446. it has 800x480 display as well as a stack for communicating the devices with the CAN. Also, this stack must be updated in 4 milliseconds. Now also needing mp3 player and radio. For radio, a IC can be...