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Forum Posts

Regenerating a UCPD project in CubeIDE 1.6 deletes the library file from the linker settings in the project configuration.

This thread is a new problem discovered while investigating a different USB-PD issue in another thread. @Yohann M.​ recommended that I create a new thread for this issue. Here is the link to the other thread:

Resolved! How to setup regular mode(SW trigger+DMA) and inject mode(TIM1 CC4 trigger+IT) working together on the SAME adc in cubemx?

Hi! i am using STM32F401CCU6 for BLDC/FOC motor control application.For foc application requirements, i need sampling 3 phase current in inject mode, vbus and motor temperature in regular mode.However, there is only 1 adc available for sampling. i tr...

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