STM32 MCUs Motor control

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Forum Posts

MCSDK 6.3.2 is out !

Dear MCSDK users, MCSDK version 6.3.2 is now available: Download It here. This is a bug fix release and here are the main changes for this version: Motor Control Features: FOC Fixed CORDIC Modulus computation in case of negative alpha value Fixed iss...

GMA by ST Employee
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Board Manager documentation is out !

The documentation of the Board descriptions format is now available on Motor Control Boards Description Wiki page, this documentation is compatible with MCSDK versions from 6.1.2. Board Descriptions are used by the ST motor-control workbench to enabl...

Zied b. by ST Employee
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MCSDK documentation and your feedback

Motor Control Wiki: STM32 Motor Control Knowledge Database - stm32mcuMC Frequently asked questions (FAQ):Frequently asked questions (FAQ) - stm32mcu   The documentation of the Board descriptions format is now available on the Motor Control Wiki:   Wi...

Zied b. by ST Employee
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EVSPIN32G4 and Quasi-synchronous rectification

Hello, I use the EVSPIN32G4 to test some brushless motors. On ST motor workbench there is an option called: Quasi-synchronous rectification in PWM generation.There is nothing on the board documentation about it. I'am quite familiar with both synchron...

Capture d’écran 2024-12-18 184705.png
DrDhot by Associate
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Resolved! Private schematic review

Hello,Is there a way to get schematic reviewed without sharing it publicly? My company doesn't allow public posts, so wondering if there is any possibility private reviews. Thank you!

How to implement PLL in STM32?

I am trying to implement a Phase Locked Loop in a microcontroller STM32. I have a reference signal and feedback signal which has $\phi$ difference wrt reference signal. For the moment, I am not using a real time feedback signal, rather simulating it ...

zeekzhen by Associate
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Resolved! ST Motor Control with STLinkV3

Hi all,I have adapted the B-G431B-ESC1 board into a custom design and I am using a STLINK-V3MINIE for programming. I can program the controller and I can communicate via the serial interface.But ST Motor Pilot V1.2.12 does not detect the UART interfa...

Phase loss Motor

HelloI'm trying to figure out how to detect a phase loss on the motor side. I'm looking for a distinction between "loss of one motor phase" and "loss of all motor phases". This can be recognized quite well from the currents measured using the ADC. Ho...

tV1 by Associate
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Resolved! MCI_SetCalibratedOffsetsMotor

hi everyone,I cant see usage of MCI_SetCalibratedOffsetsMotor or MC_SetPolarizationOffsetsMotor1 in example project, but code comment says use at least one time in product life. Has this been used before? or  "MCI_StartOffsetMeasurments". does anyone...

Zek_De by Senior
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Resolved! Minimum programming configuration for STSPIN32G0601

I have attempted to interface an STSPIN32G0601 using only connections to an ST-LINK (V2).  That is: there are no other connections to the target IC other than SWCLK to PA14 (pin 62), SWDIO to PA13 (pin 61), GND to VSS (pin 8), and 3.3V to VDD (pin 7)...

FMadi.1 by Associate II
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