STM32 MCUs Motor control

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Forum Posts

MCSDK 6.3.2 is out !

Dear MCSDK users, MCSDK version 6.3.2 is now available: Download It here. This is a bug fix release and here are the main changes for this version: Motor Control Features: FOC Fixed CORDIC Modulus computation in case of negative alpha value Fixed iss...

GMA by ST Employee
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Board Manager documentation is out !

The documentation of the Board descriptions format is now available on Motor Control Boards Description Wiki page, this documentation is compatible with MCSDK versions from 6.1.2. Board Descriptions are used by the ST motor-control workbench to enabl...

Zied b. by ST Employee
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  • 3 kudos

MCSDK documentation and your feedback

Motor Control Wiki: STM32 Motor Control Knowledge Database - stm32mcuMC Frequently asked questions (FAQ):Frequently asked questions (FAQ) - stm32mcu   The documentation of the Board descriptions format is now available on the Motor Control Wiki:   Wi...

Zied b. by ST Employee
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how to tell my motor's max. rpm ?

if I keep increase the speed_value, my little motor spin very fast all of of sudden stop, I think it's caused by IsSpeedReliable or other FAULTsis there any variable that I can closely monitor before motor reached its limit ? MC_ProgramSpeedRampMoto...

FOC simulation software

I am about to buy ST evaluation board for motor control. Before that i want to understand the basics of FOC. I wanted to know if any simulation tools are available, to run the FOC algorithm to understand the Torque mode, regeneration mode, input curr...

JDesi.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! How to demo EVSPIN32G4

Hello, I am a newcomer and want to ask a newbie questionI researched EVB-EVSPIN32G4 and found that there is no example of this.Both Demostrations need list EVB profile. So I can't directly operate them.1. ST Motor profiler2. MC WorkbenchWhat time doe...

Resolved! NEW STM32 MC-SDK version 5.Y.3

Dear STM32 Motor Control community membersWe are very pleased to announce the new release 5.Y.3 of the XCUBE_MCSDK. As usual, you can download XCUBE_MCSDK here: .The Motor Pilot, our monitorin...