Where Can I get STM32F446 IEC61508 Safety Certified Library User Manual?
Where Can I get STM32F446 IEC61508 Safety Certified Library User Manual?
Where Can I get STM32F446 IEC61508 Safety Certified Library User Manual?
I try to use uart interrupt for communicate with hyperterminal. It seems that HAL_UART_RxCpltCallback doen't work. I made the configuration in STM CUBEMx . It send the first burst throught interrupt routine and receive only one time the aRxBuffer. Th...
we are using STM32F407 controller in our project. In this we have taken an option of firmware upgradation through USB. Everything is fine and works good but for some controllers USB is recognising directly and for some it is recognising if there is o...
Posted on November 25, 2014 at 15:37Hi, usb hid works form me great on discovery f4 but I have a problem with saving to backup sram and backup rtc after USB initialization. I would like to create a program, which is waiting for character from the US...
My scenario I have a master controller keep sending 30Bytes of data with every 500ms..Issue when use to my slave controller is :HAL_UART_Receive_IT(&huart1, varPtr, 20);the packet might not be received properly as the slave is hot swapped.. it can be...
According to PM0253 "Programming Manual" after power up the the vector table is located at address 0x0000000. This memory is RAM memory (ITCMRAM) so how the boot can run from it if it just powered up? There is no memory address in it...In other CPU ...
I have a question out of curiously, how the values inside the huart1 initialized with some values without any function calling.. the breakpoints is at start of main()
HelloI'm building an app that sends pulses to stepper motors drivers L6474. I built it aroundan STM32F429VE, the L6474 libs delivered as example with the x-nucleo board for L6474.I'm using CubeMx 5.0.1 and cube F4 V1.23.It's a C++ app.How it works?Ba...
I want to make 1000 scans, I have the adc running at 1.5 Msps, 12 bit resolution on 180 Mhz Nucelo board.when I put HAL_ADC_Start_DMA(&hadc1, (uint32_t*)array, 1000); in main(); it would run only onceI want a continues scan, it seams to be doing ju...
I am working with a sample project for the stm32F746G. Testing on the Discovery Board. I am using VisualGDB. The project is USB Device | MSC Host RTOS. After importing the project and tweaking a few things It did run. (However, all of these projects ...