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Editing C:\ST\STM32CubeIDE_1.0.2\STM32CubeIDE\plugins\\db\templates\fatfs_platform_c.ftl #include "fatfs_platform.h" /* USER CODE BEGIN Includes */   /* USER CODE END Includes */   uint8_t BSP_PlatformIsDe...
8MHZ HSE crystal. HSE selected and PLLCLK selected.64MHZ / 115200 / 16 = 34.7222Assuming the CPU picked 34 as the divisor then the baud rate is 117647.1 2% too highBut setting to 59MHz I was able to successfully communicated at 921,60059MHZ / 921600 ...
The LWIP repo on stm32duino already has LWIP 2.1.2 as of 22 August 2019."This library is based on the version 2.1.2 of the LWIP stack."How can we update our local repository with the version from stm32duino, and wi...
Using the sample application from STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.24.0\Projects\STM324xG_EVAL\Applications\FatFs\FatFs_uSD_RTOS\SW4STM32 and opening with TrueStudio compiles and works.I'm unable to import the above project to STM32CubeIDE, but that's in the relea...
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