STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

Are GPIOs changed by boot loader?

Device is STM3F030C. Boot loader is going to be called from application code.The idea is that the application code initializes some GPIOs and put peripheral devices into a known state required for the system to work and then, if it detects a command ...

ECost by Associate II
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how to get IP of a client Socket connected

I'm writing a program using socket API. when a client Socket connected to my server Socket ,I tried to get its IP address but the result returned ConnectFD = accept(socketFD, (struct sockaddr *)&remotehost, (socklen_t *)&sockaddrsize); i...


USB Virtual Com Port example

Hello,I'm trying to evaluate the maximum speed that can be obtained through the USB Virtual Com Port (I need approximately 20Mbps) however I cannot find a working example with System WorkbenchFor other projects, in the lab I already have:STM32F429 Nu...

Resolved! STM32F103 USB device get report

Posted on November 03, 2017 at 16:04Hello everyone,As several people on this forum, I am trying to implement some kind of 'USB keyboard' with an STM32F103C8.I am working with truestudio and cubeMx, and I use the USB library provided.I have update th...

Geo En by Associate III
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