STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

FDCAN STM32H743ZI-NUCLEO (Transmit Problem)

Hello,i am trying to write a small example which only send 8 bytes .I am using generated code from Stm32cubeMx and i have the initialization parameter from this thread :

Systick Timer disabled using LL, bug?

The SystemClock_Config function which is generated by CubeMX will disable Systick Timer. If you select LL Driver for RCC. After calling SystemClock_Config the SysTick->CTRL is set from 0x7 to 0x5 in the Package L4.13.1 and to 0x01 using package L4.14...

Leo_Panda by Associate III
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STM32L4 Using DAC to play audio/voice files.

Hi,Has anyone tried or managed to have success in playing audios or voices data using the on board DAC on STM32L452? with a speaker connecting just to the DAC. I am at a proof of concept stage, where I am using an ST PDM microphone connected to an N...

Sam Ho by Associate II
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USB CDC device sometimes fails to receive

I'm using the USB CDC library on a STM32L452 created with CubeMX and have run into some problems with receiving data over USB. Every week or so I experience that the device stops receiving data (the transmit side works fine). In other words, the CDC_...

abaldur by Associate III
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