STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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STM32F429ZI ADC+DMA overrun error

hello.I am testing ADC and DMA functions on my custom board.every conversion set ADC->SR OVR bit.​​ I want to use the ADC + DMA function. I want to trigger the trigger periodically via TIMER.​This is my first time using ADC. So I want to know if it i...

HJung.6 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32F769 Discovery kit & FATFS

In the frame of testing the STM32F7xx MCU, we test the file management capabilities of the STM32F769 Discovery kit. The configuration of the platform to access the SD card has been built with STM32CubeMX (FreeRTOS + FATFS).The code for the test is th...

TPier by Associate III
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