we are using stm32f217 controller 8GB Pen drive is working Up And Down Loading . But 16GB Pen Drive is not working .
I am using an STM32L471QE, and am programming its MPU. Because of the Software architecture i try to enable the MPU regions one at a time. Does the MPU keep the old configuration if i disable it or do i have to program all the seperate parts again?
Hi,We using the HAL_ADC_Start_DMA() function and this function works very fine when the pData pointer is aligned to 4. (data transfer is DMA_PDATAALIGN_WORD)Unaligned data can be happen when the *pData is defined as a structure and the structure is p...
Dear All: I want to know if have source code about the upgrade firmware on STM32F4DISCOVERY? Thanks!
Hello,Im working as a SW Engineer in a project where we have iMX7 and STM32F303RBT6 on our HW.I'm running Linux SW on iMX7 and my intention is to use stm32flash tool to program SW image from iMX7 into the STM32F303 processor through UART connection.I...
hello.I am testing ADC and DMA functions on my custom board.every conversion set ADC->SR OVR bit. I want to use the ADC + DMA function. I want to trigger the trigger periodically via TIMER.This is my first time using ADC. So I want to know if it i...
Analysing runtime behaviour of 2 tasks on STM32 board using tracelyzer shows unexpected behaviour. Task1 is a cyclic executive which receives data over UART and processes received data to be consumed by task2. task1 is interrupt driven (indefintely b...
I'm working on extending the capabilities of the STM32CubeMX Library to support higher data rate isochronous IN data (e.g. UAC audio). Currently I have host code that requests and receives isochronous data every 1ms frame (not every micro-frame).Is t...
In the frame of testing the STM32F7xx MCU, we test the file management capabilities of the STM32F769 Discovery kit. The configuration of the platform to access the SD card has been built with STM32CubeMX (FreeRTOS + FATFS).The code for the test is th...