STM32 MCUs Embedded software

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Forum Posts

Resolved! How to use stm32l4 from IAP jump to bootloader

I have bootloader initial position 0x08000000 and IAP 0x08004000 now.​First, I form bootloader jump to IAP code and it works fine.But my jump back to bootloader will stop.​Maybe I have a lot of IAP function enable.So I want to ask, besides __disable...

1123 by Associate II
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What causes SPI to hang on the BUSY flag?

First, some details.MCU: STM32F765IIKeil uVision version: 1.6.0 (installed with Keil uVision)Keil MDK-ARM RTOS2 operating system.The STM32 is connected to an iMX6(running Linux) via SPI. The iMX6 is the master. Communications uses small...

murrellr by Associate II
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User Manual

Hi CommunityIt has been at least several weeks since I asked my question, 20 odd views and no answers. I also notice someone else has asked a similar question with no response. SO it would appear that there must be many more people who have the same ...

STM32F769 Discovery Board: I want to read stereo analogue audio in from a jack, convolve both channels with a 4096-point impulse response, then output analogue audio from the other jack. How can I do this, please ?

I want the impulse response to be read in from an #include file, and I would prefer the sample rate to be 24 bits/96KS/s. I te above will require two boards, communicating via SPDIF, that would be fine.

MLawr by Associate III
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